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Closing ZoomSight / Useful features

Here are instructions for how to close ZoomSight and a description of useful features such as changing the position of the remote control.

Names of tools and buttons

Image. Names of tools and buttons for closing ZoomSight and useful features

Closing the remote control (ZoomSight)

Image. Closing the remote control (ZoomSight)

Press the [Close] button and a confirmation message asking if you would like to quit ZoomSight will appear.Press the [Yes] button in the confirmation message to close ZoomSight and return to the website you were viewing before you opened ZoomSight.

Changing the position of the remote control

Image. Changing the position of the remote control

Press the [Position] button, then press the [Left] or [Right] button to change the position of the remote control.

Temporarily hiding the remote control

Image. Temporarily hiding the remote control

Press the [Hide] button to hide the remote control (ZoomSight) temporarily.Press the [Display] button to make the remote control reappear.

Displaying help

Image. Displaying help

Press the [Help] button to display instructions on how to use ZoomSight.

Checking the settings on the setting display panel

Image. Checking the settings on the setting display panelWhile ZoomSight is temporarily hidden, hold your mouse over the [Display] button.You can display the setting display panel to easily see what settings you are currently using.

Changing pages in a PDF with the PDF page operating panel (when using the PDF option)

Here is a description of the functions available in the PDF page operating panel that is displayed when you use the ZoomSight PDF option.

Image. Changing pages in a PDF with the PDF operating panel (when using the PDF option)

Press the [Previous page] button to move to the page before the current page being displayed in the PDF.
Press the [Next page] button to move to the page after the current page being displayed in the PDF.
Enter a page number in the text box and press the [Go to] button to move from the current page being displayed in the PDF to the page number entered.

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