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Keyboard operation

While ZoomSight is running, you can operate the software using the keyboard.

List of keyboard operations

No. Name of corresponding button Input key Remarks
1 [+] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusV Zoom in the current page by 10% each time the composite keys are pressed.
Zoom in the current page continuously in 10% increments while the composite keys are pressed.
2 [-] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusS Zoom out the current page by 10% each time the composite keys are pressed.
Zoom out the current page continuously in 10% increments while the composite keys are pressed.
3 [100%] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusW Restore the current page to the original display size (100%).
4 [Black on White] button
[White on Black] button
[Invert Color] button
[Reset] button
Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusC Switch display color in the order of [Invert Color] → [Black on White] → [White on Black] → [Reset] each time the composite keys are pressed.
5 Text-to-speech
[On] button
[Off] button
Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusO Switch the tool from [On] → [Off] each time the composite keys are pressed.
6 [Next] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusJ Move to the segment after the current one being read or the last one read.
7 [Prev] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusH Move to the segment before the current one being read or the last one read.
8 [Pause] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusG Press the composite keys to pause reading.Press the composite keys again to resume reading from the place where you paused.
9 Volume
[-] button
[+] button
Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplus
Press the composite keys to adjust the reading volume.Press ‘N’ for the minimum volume and ‘/’ for the maximum volume.If using the software with Edge, the shortcut key for adjusting the volume to level ‘2’ is Ctrl+Alt+K.
10 Speed
[-] button
[+] button
Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplus
Press the composite keys to adjust the reading speed.Press ‘6’ for the minimum speed and ‘0’ for the maximum speed.
11 [Hiragana] button
[Romaji] button
[Reset] button
Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusR Switch the tool from [Hiragana] → [Romaji] → [Reset] each time the composite keys are pressed.
12 [Close] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusQ Press the composite keys to close ZoomSight.
13 [Position] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusX Press the composite keys to change the position of the ZoomSight display.
14 [Hide] button
[Display] button
Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusZ Switch between remote control hide and display each time the composite keys are pressed.
15 [Help] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusT Press the composite keys to display the page on how to use ZoomSight.
16 No corresponding button Ctrl keyplusAlt key Display "setup display panel" only if the remote control is hidden.
17 [Previous page] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusU Only when a PDF is opened in ZoomSight, move to the page before the current page being displayed in the PDF.
If you are on the first page of PDF, pressing the composite keys has no effect.
18 [Next page] button Ctrl keyplusAlt keyplusI Only when a PDF is opened in ZoomSight, move to the page after the current page being displayed in the PDF.
If you are on the first page of PDF, pressing the composite keys has no effect.

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